Currntly, I'm Unemployed, No I'm kidding [ Ha Ha Ha ;) ] . To introduce myself, I would say I studied applied chemistry in K. N. Toosi University of Technology but I'm in love with computers, networks, and clouds. That's why I try it every day.
Email me :)
I am back, after a few days of vacationing with family. Weather was awesome, the beach was full of nasty jelly-fish, yuk! All-in-all, life has been good. I hope life has been as good for all of you.
My area of focus lies in designing web and mobile products, user research as well as leading of design & front-end teams. I enjoy designing and coding the UI as much as talking with users to iterate and improve the experiences that reach business goals.
About MeOver 3+ years of experience working with companies. I design & optimize and scale server and services to help businesses and improve people's achivments.